Masjid Rules & Policies
- All personal or public announcements should be in writing and approved by Imam or MCWS Board.
- Approved announcements can be made by Imam or whoever is leading the prayer and should ONLY be announced by the Imam.
- No exceptions are allowed.
- Announcements for Jumma’ah prayer should be emailed to theMCWS Communications Coordinator or the MCWS Assistant Administrator by Thursday 5:00pm Eastern Time.
- All announcements should be dropped in the Community Drop Box (even those that have to be printed in the MCWS Newsletter or displayed on the notice board).
- No public donations or collections are allowed without the consent of MCWS / Masjid Board or the Imam. No Exceptions allowed.
- MCWS/Masjid will not be responsible for donations to any unauthorized fund drive.
- Donations for MCWS General Funds goes towards meeting MCWS Expenses which include Prayer Area, Wudu, Bathrooms and Main Lobby Area.
- ZAKAT funds are distributed by MCWS to the needy and deserving communities at large or given to local Reputed Charitable Organizations.
- All other funds are considered as Sadaqa or Charity and go to Muslim Family Services (MFS) in Detroit.
- No funds will be given to any Foreign Organization(s) or individual(s).
Gymnasium Usage Policy
- The Masjid/MCWS use is limited to dinners, educational and social events.
- For all private usage, please contact the Crescent School Principal – Secretary at 734-729-1000.
- Members of MCWS are allowed to play Volley Ball or Basketball after approval from MCWS Sports Coordinator.
- Non-Members or any outside group have to ask for permission prior to any event from MEC (event) or to the MCWS Sports Coordinator (for playing Basketball/other activities).
- Detail cleaning is done twice a year and before Ramadan under the supervision of Masjid Cleaning Committee
- Daily cleaning is done after school hours and Isha Salat.
- Please inform the Masjid Committee Incharge if you want to organize any cleaning event.
Library Usage Guidelines
- Click here for detailed Library Rules and Regulations.
- Please contact the Librarian or the MCWS Masjid Coordinator for more details.
- The Library has a minimum donation of $10 (lifetime) for MCWS Members and non-members alike.
Sunday School Guidelines
- Click here for detailed Sunday School guidelines.
- Please contact the MCWS School/Education Coordinator or the Education Committee for further details.
Advertising Policy
- Click here for MCWS detailed policy regarding advertising.
- All commercial or private ads can be posted on the designated Public Notice Board located at the left side of the Main Entrance.
- All ads will be taken out after 2 weeks.
- Please put the posted date on the ad.
- All other types of un-Islamic ads or materials will be removed immediately.
Notice Board Policy
- Only MCWS/Masjid related news or approved article or news is allowed inside the MCWS Notice Board.
- Contact Masjid Committee for any questions or suggestions.
Parking Policy
- Please remember to park at the designated spots and not to park in front of the Masjid or any of the prohibited zones. Vehicles can be towed at owners’ expense.
- Remember to park appropriately and not to block anyone especially at Jumma’ah or Taraweeh Prayers.
- Do not park in the Imam’s and special guest’s designated spots.
Marriage (Nikah) Policy
- Please click here
Funeral Services Policy
- Please click here
Photocopy Usage Guideline
- The Copying Machine is inside the Library and is used by the following approved groups:
- Library
- School (Sunday/Summer)
- Imam
- MCWS or its underline Committee members
- For general public, there is a charge of $0.10 cents /copy.
- Bulk copying is not allowed.
Phone / Fax Usage Policy
- Our phone is located inside the Library and anyone is allowed to use it in case of an emergency.
- There is no Internet Facility available.
- The Fax machine is only to be used by an authorized MCWS/Masjid member.
- Private Fax(s) is not allowed.
Projector / Pull Down Screen Usage Policy
- Only to be used by MCWS/Masjid/Imam and Sunday School for its presentations.
- Not for renting or private/public usage.
- And not to be taken out of the vicinity at any time.
Complaint / Suggestion Policy
- Should be hand written and either dropped in the Community Drop Box (located in Men’s Lobby) or given to Imam.
- Loud voice or discussions are not allowed inside the Prayer Area.
- For any complaint or suggestion, please send an email to appropriate committee member. Click here for MCWS Committees contact information.