Sheikh Ali

Sheikh Ali Suleiman Ali

Sheikh Ali Suleiman Ali is the Imam or religious director of the Muslim Community of the Western Suburbs of Detroit (MCWS). Sheikh Ali is a well-respected scholar and leader in Southeastern Michigan. He has been active in educational and philanthropic activities in southeast Michigan for approximately the last twenty years.

Sheikh Ali spent much of his childhood in Ghana with various shuyukh. His curriculum there included Arabic sciences (such as grammar), Tawheed, Fiqh, Zudhiyyat (Ascetism), and Seerah of the Prophet (saw). He went on to receive his BA in both Islamic and Arabic Studies from the Islamic University of Madina. He has also completed his Ph. D. in Islamic Studies from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Responsibilities as Imam
As imam of Canton Mosque, some of the Imam’s general responsibilities include:
Daily Prayers
Friday Prayers
Taraweeh Prayers
Eid Prayers
Funeral Prayers / Services
Interpretation of the Holy Qur’an
Sunday Islamic School
Wedding Services
Islamic Arbitration & Counseling

Note: Based on need, counseling can be provided please call to schedule appointment.

Office Hours
Thursdays 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm  in Mac Building Library

Note: Based on need, counseling can be provided please call to schedule appointment.

Contact Information
MCWS: (734) 210-1947
MFS: (313) 366-6800
Cell: (734) 306-8205