MCWS (Muslim Community of Western Suburbs) is a non-profit organization, located in the western suburbs of Detroit, Michigan.
The Muslim Community of the Western Suburbs is dedicated to creating and promoting a community of peace and caring where it and its members grow closer to God and through that closeness become positive contributors to their families and the community around them. As such MCWS lauds and welcomes acts of community service, neighborliness, and positive civic participation. Conversely MCWS stands against acts of violence, oppression, abuse and discrimination whether committed by those external to the Muslim community or from within. We pray for a world where peace and harmony prevails and the poor, oppressed, and abused are relieved of their challenges.
In addition to a mosque, with five regular prayers with the Imam Sheikh Ali (religious leader), various other beneficial activities are held at MCWS on a weekly/monthly basis, which are open for everybody, and various volunteers can help you to answer any of your questions. To read about islam at MCWS website, click here or to get answers from our Imam Sh Ali, send us an email at For more information or for any question, please send an email to or call us at 734-467-7704. For directions to MCWS, click here.
MCWS Masjid
40440 Palmer Road,
Canton, MI 48188
Tel/Fax: 734-467-7704
(MCWS is located at the North West Corner of Lotz Rd. and Palmer Road intersection)
MCWS’s Medina Activity Center (MAC Building)
1905 S. Haggerty Rd, Canton, MI 48188
To contact any of the board members or committee coordinator, Click here
Driving Directions
If coming West on Michigan Ave: Make right on Lotz road and left on Palmer. If coming East on Michigan Ave, make left on Haggerty Rd, and right on Palmer.
If coming south on 275 make a right on Ford Rd. exit, left on Haggerty road, and left on Palmer Road.
If coming north on 275 make right on Michigan Avenue exit, make the U-turn after passing Lotz Road. Right on Lotz Road.. and left on Palmer Road.